Thursday, January 25, 2018

Total Health Chapter 1

Bible Study Questions

Look up glory and glorify in the dictionary.  How do these definitions apply to God?
The definition of glory applies to God because God is glory.  He is beautiful and full of majesty and splendor.  Glorify applies to God because we praise and worship.

What does the spirit do in and through Christians lives?
The spirit gives us hope and life.

What way do we as Christians bring honor to God?  Giving thanks and obeying.
Is verbally praising and thanking God enough to really be glorifying God?  We should do good deeds so others can see them and tell others about Him.

What do you think He meant by "bear much fruit"?  That you show godly behaviour and love those around you.
How does that bring praise to God?
It shows that we love Him and want to obey Him and follow His commandments.

Can Christians glorify God even in negative experiences?  Yes because God is with us no matter what and He can protect you.  He knows the plan He has for you.  He loves you always.

What areas of your life do you want to glorify God more?  -discussed with family

Monday, January 8, 2018

Story of the World

Chapter 8
The Assyrians

-The Assyrians were a powerful kingdom of people.
-The king Shamshi-Adad wanted to rule the world.
-He killed everyone who didn't obey his rules.
-Every time he conquered a new land, he would put one of his sons as the ruler.

Chapter 9
The First Cities of India

- Didn't have paved roads
- Easiest way to travel is by boat
- Best to live beside river
- Lived by Tigress and Euphrates

Chapter 10
The Far East: Ancient China

-The Chinese invented silk
-The first Chinese lived by a river
-Two rivers named the Yellow River and the Yangtze River
-A king named Huang Di united the villages of the Yellow River Valley.

Chapter 11
Ancient Africa

- The Africans did not leave very many artifacts.
- They left paintings.
- The Sahara desert used to be very green and beautiful.

Chapter 12
The Middle Kingdom of Egypt

-Nubians traded with the Egyptians
-Sold ivory, animal furs, ostrich feathers and gems
-Egyptians conquered Nubians
-Nubian named Tiye married Amenhotep 3 and became queen

Chapter 13 
The New Kingdom of Egypt

-Hatshepsut pretended to be a man so she could be a farrow
-Amenhotep was King Tut's father
-No one ever found the tomb of Amenhotep
-Amenhotep changed the entire Egyptian religion

Chapter 14
The Israelites Leave Egypt

-Abraham used to worship many gods
-Abraham used to live in a place called Ur
-Egypt became afraid of the Israelites
-The Egyptians were still afraid even after the Israelites were slaves

Chapter 15
The Phoenicians

-The North part of Canaan was dry sandy and rocky
-The Phoenicians were famous for glass making
-The Phoenicians were also known for making purple dye out of snails
-Phoenician cities like Tyre stunk very bad from the snails

Chapter 16
King Tut
-King Tut became king when he was 7
-He was Amenhotep's son
-He was dedicated to erasing Aten's name
-He encouraged the Egyptians to worship their old gods
-He died at 18 from unknown causes
-When he was buried he was buried with tons of treasure
-Unlike past kings he was not buried in a pyramid but instead he was buried in an underground tomb
-3000 years later an archaeologist name Howard Carter was looking for tombs in the Valley of the Kings
-He moved a rock and saw a step he ran for help
-He had found king Tut's tomb

Chapter 17
The Israelites Leave Egypt
-When Joseph's brothers sold him as a slave in Egypt he became the Pharaoh's right hand man
-His brothers came back to Egypt during a time when there was no food in the land
-Joseph invited his brothers and their family's to Egypt where they lived for hundreds of years
-Years after Joseph and his family had died there was so many israelites in Egypt that the pharaoh killed all of the baby boys
-One of the family put their baby into a basket and floated him down the river
-The Egyptian pharaoh's daughter found the baby and named him Moses
-He grew up in the palace with his mother as his caretaker
-Once he was an adult God told him to take the Israelites out of Egypt
-Moses asked the pharaoh to let him take his people out of Egypt
-He wouldn't let him so God sent plagues to torment the Egyptians
-The pharaoh gave in and Moses took his people out of Egypt
-They got to the red sea and couldn't pass so God gave Moses the ability to part the sea
-The Israelites crossed and then after they had crossed the pursuing Egyptians were engulfed by the waves.

Chapter 18
Life In The Early Crete

-Athletic children trained to be bull jumpers
-Bull jumpers jump over bulls
-Crete navy very strong
-Nobody could concur Crete

Chapter 19
The Early Greeks

-Greeks were very powerful
-Greeks had bronze weapons and armour
-Barbarians conquered Greeks
-Barbarians had iron armour

Chapter 20
Greece Gets Civilized Again

-Greeks originally didn't know how to write.
-Greeks were originally barbarians
-The Greeks invented the Olympics
-The Greeks held the Olympic games every 4 years

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


A couple of weeks ago I had my birthday.  I got a lot of cool stuff like Shopkins, Lego sets and great books.