Chapter 8
- Didn't have paved roads
- Easiest way to travel is by boat
- Best to live beside river
- Lived by Tigress and Euphrates
Chapter 10
The Far East: Ancient China
-The Chinese invented silk
-The first Chinese lived by a river
-Two rivers named the Yellow River and the Yangtze River
-A king named Huang Di united the villages of the Yellow River Valley.
Chapter 11
Ancient Africa
- The Africans did not leave very many artifacts.
- They left paintings.
- The Sahara desert used to be very green and beautiful.
Chapter 12
The Middle Kingdom of Egypt
-Nubians traded with the Egyptians
-Sold ivory, animal furs, ostrich feathers and gems
-Egyptians conquered Nubians
-Nubian named Tiye married Amenhotep 3 and became queen
Chapter 13
The New Kingdom of Egypt
-Hatshepsut pretended to be a man so she could be a farrow
-Amenhotep was King Tut's father
-No one ever found the tomb of Amenhotep
-Amenhotep changed the entire Egyptian religion
Chapter 14
The Israelites Leave Egypt
-Abraham used to worship many gods
-Abraham used to live in a place called Ur
-Egypt became afraid of the Israelites
-The Egyptians were still afraid even after the Israelites were slaves
Chapter 15
The Phoenicians
-The North part of Canaan was dry sandy and rocky
-The Phoenicians were famous for glass making
-The Phoenicians were also known for making purple dye out of snails
-Phoenician cities like Tyre stunk very bad from the snails
Chapter 16
King Tut
-King Tut became king when he was 7
-He was Amenhotep's son
-He was dedicated to erasing Aten's name
-He encouraged the Egyptians to worship their old gods
-He died at 18 from unknown causes
-When he was buried he was buried with tons of treasure
-Unlike past kings he was not buried in a pyramid but instead he was buried in an underground tomb
-3000 years later an archaeologist name Howard Carter was looking for tombs in the Valley of the Kings
-He moved a rock and saw a step he ran for help
-He had found king Tut's tomb
Chapter 17
The Israelites Leave Egypt
-When Joseph's brothers sold him as a slave in Egypt he became the Pharaoh's right hand man
-His brothers came back to Egypt during a time when there was no food in the land
-Joseph invited his brothers and their family's to Egypt where they lived for hundreds of years
-Years after Joseph and his family had died there was so many israelites in Egypt that the pharaoh killed all of the baby boys
-One of the family put their baby into a basket and floated him down the river
-The Egyptian pharaoh's daughter found the baby and named him Moses
-He grew up in the palace with his mother as his caretaker
-Once he was an adult God told him to take the Israelites out of Egypt
-Moses asked the pharaoh to let him take his people out of Egypt
-He wouldn't let him so God sent plagues to torment the Egyptians
-The pharaoh gave in and Moses took his people out of Egypt
-They got to the red sea and couldn't pass so God gave Moses the ability to part the sea
-The Israelites crossed and then after they had crossed the pursuing Egyptians were engulfed by the waves.
Chapter 18
Life In The Early Crete
-Athletic children trained to be bull jumpers
-Bull jumpers jump over bulls
-Crete navy very strong
-Nobody could concur Crete
Chapter 19
The Early Greeks
-Barbarians conquered Greeks
-Barbarians had iron armour
Chapter 20
Greece Gets Civilized Again
-Greeks originally didn't know how to write.
The Assyrians
-The Assyrians were a powerful kingdom of people.
-The king Shamshi-Adad wanted to rule the world.
-He killed everyone who didn't obey his rules.
-Every time he conquered a new land, he would put one of his sons as the ruler.
Chapter 9
The First Cities of India
Chapter 9
The First Cities of India
- Didn't have paved roads
- Easiest way to travel is by boat
- Best to live beside river
- Lived by Tigress and Euphrates
Chapter 10
The Far East: Ancient China
-The Chinese invented silk
-The first Chinese lived by a river
-Two rivers named the Yellow River and the Yangtze River
-A king named Huang Di united the villages of the Yellow River Valley.
Chapter 11
Ancient Africa
- The Africans did not leave very many artifacts.
- They left paintings.
Chapter 12
The Middle Kingdom of Egypt
-Nubians traded with the Egyptians
-Sold ivory, animal furs, ostrich feathers and gems
-Egyptians conquered Nubians
-Nubian named Tiye married Amenhotep 3 and became queen
Chapter 13
The New Kingdom of Egypt
-Hatshepsut pretended to be a man so she could be a farrow
-Amenhotep was King Tut's father
-No one ever found the tomb of Amenhotep
-Amenhotep changed the entire Egyptian religion
Chapter 14
The Israelites Leave Egypt
-Abraham used to worship many gods
-Abraham used to live in a place called Ur
-Egypt became afraid of the Israelites
-The Egyptians were still afraid even after the Israelites were slaves
Chapter 15
The Phoenicians
-The North part of Canaan was dry sandy and rocky
-The Phoenicians were famous for glass making
-The Phoenicians were also known for making purple dye out of snails
-Phoenician cities like Tyre stunk very bad from the snails
Chapter 16
King Tut
-King Tut became king when he was 7
-He was Amenhotep's son
-He was dedicated to erasing Aten's name
-He encouraged the Egyptians to worship their old gods
-He died at 18 from unknown causes
-When he was buried he was buried with tons of treasure
-Unlike past kings he was not buried in a pyramid but instead he was buried in an underground tomb
-3000 years later an archaeologist name Howard Carter was looking for tombs in the Valley of the Kings
-He moved a rock and saw a step he ran for help
-He had found king Tut's tomb
Chapter 17
The Israelites Leave Egypt
-When Joseph's brothers sold him as a slave in Egypt he became the Pharaoh's right hand man
-His brothers came back to Egypt during a time when there was no food in the land
-Joseph invited his brothers and their family's to Egypt where they lived for hundreds of years
-Years after Joseph and his family had died there was so many israelites in Egypt that the pharaoh killed all of the baby boys
-One of the family put their baby into a basket and floated him down the river
-The Egyptian pharaoh's daughter found the baby and named him Moses
-He grew up in the palace with his mother as his caretaker
-Once he was an adult God told him to take the Israelites out of Egypt
-Moses asked the pharaoh to let him take his people out of Egypt
-He wouldn't let him so God sent plagues to torment the Egyptians
-The pharaoh gave in and Moses took his people out of Egypt
-They got to the red sea and couldn't pass so God gave Moses the ability to part the sea
-The Israelites crossed and then after they had crossed the pursuing Egyptians were engulfed by the waves.
Chapter 18
Life In The Early Crete
-Athletic children trained to be bull jumpers
-Bull jumpers jump over bulls
-Crete navy very strong
-Nobody could concur Crete
Chapter 19
The Early Greeks
-Greeks were very powerful
-Greeks had bronze weapons and armour-Barbarians conquered Greeks
-Barbarians had iron armour
Chapter 20
Greece Gets Civilized Again
-Greeks originally didn't know how to write.
-Greeks were originally barbarians
-The Greeks invented the Olympics
-The Greeks held the Olympic games every 4 years
-The Greeks invented the Olympics
-The Greeks held the Olympic games every 4 years
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