Tuesday, December 13, 2016

First Nations.

I visited this site and this one.

Plant Name
page29image8072 page29image8392
How is it Administered?
What does it treat?
Modern day use?
Acorus calamus - Sweet Flag
OrallyHigh Cholesterolused in perfumes
Arctostaphylos uva- ursi - Bearberry
Smoked or taken orallyDiarrhea, kidney infectionused in tea
Cypripedium reginae - Showy Lady's-slipper
taken orally with watersedative for insomniastill used by aboriginals
Gaultheria procumbens - Teaberry
orally and externallyHeadache, upset stomach, arthritis, rheumatismused in flavouring tea
Heuchera richardsonii - Alumroot
chewed and a tea is madediarrhea, bleeding, speeds healingnatives still use to stop bleeding
Hierochloe odorata
- Sweet Grass
smoked or made into teaTo thin blood, treat coldsused in smudging ceremonies, made into baskets
Ledum groenlandicum - Labrador Tea
internallystomach and kidneys, coughs, colds and asthmamade in paper products
Polygala senega - Seneca Root
internallyrheumatism, asthma,put in cough syrup in Europe
Sanguinaria canadense - Bloodroot
page29image44560 page29image44880internallypage29image45656
bronchitis, eczema, warts, skin cancer
still found in some cough syrups in Canada

1 comment:

  1. A good job researching herbs Caileigh. I like the layout of your chart and how easy it is to read and understand. I think we should find someone local to show us how they find the local herbs. I'll see if I can find someone to help us in the spring. You can pray for this as a field trip idea.
