Tuesday, December 13, 2016

First Nations.

I visited this site and this one.

Plant Name
page29image8072 page29image8392
How is it Administered?
What does it treat?
Modern day use?
Acorus calamus - Sweet Flag
OrallyHigh Cholesterolused in perfumes
Arctostaphylos uva- ursi - Bearberry
Smoked or taken orallyDiarrhea, kidney infectionused in tea
Cypripedium reginae - Showy Lady's-slipper
taken orally with watersedative for insomniastill used by aboriginals
Gaultheria procumbens - Teaberry
orally and externallyHeadache, upset stomach, arthritis, rheumatismused in flavouring tea
Heuchera richardsonii - Alumroot
chewed and a tea is madediarrhea, bleeding, speeds healingnatives still use to stop bleeding
Hierochloe odorata
- Sweet Grass
smoked or made into teaTo thin blood, treat coldsused in smudging ceremonies, made into baskets
Ledum groenlandicum - Labrador Tea
internallystomach and kidneys, coughs, colds and asthmamade in paper products
Polygala senega - Seneca Root
internallyrheumatism, asthma,put in cough syrup in Europe
Sanguinaria canadense - Bloodroot
page29image44560 page29image44880internallypage29image45656
bronchitis, eczema, warts, skin cancer
still found in some cough syrups in Canada

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Experiment Reflections

Self Reflection on Bubble Experiment

Driving Question?  Which kind of bubble solution makes the longest lasting bubble?

List the Major Steps in the Project:  The major steps were:
1.  Gather dish soap, water, glycerin, corn syrup, 3 pipe cleaners and 3 jars.
2.  Take first jar and add 1 cup + 1 Tbsp. of water and 1/3 cup of dish soap.  Stir together.  Label #1.
3.  Take second jar and add 1 cup of water, 1/3 cup of dish soap, and 1 Tbsp. of glycerin.  Stir together.  Label #2.
4.  Take third jar and add 1 cup of water, 1/3 cup of dish soap, and 1 Tbsp. of corn syrup.  Stir together.  Label #3.
5.  Twist pipe cleaner into a bubble wand.  Dip in solution #1.  Make a bubble.  Time how long the bubble lasts.  Write down on a sheet of paper.  Repeat the same procedure 6 times and record data.  
6.  Repeat #5 with each of the solutions.
7.  Find the average of the bubble seconds in each solution by adding the numbers, then dividing by six.
8.  Figure out which solution made the longest lasting bubbles.  Guess why?

What is the most important thing you learned?  I learned that the glycerin solution made the longest lasting bubble.  I think the glycerin made the bubble longer lasting because it is thicker than water so it added a thickness that made the bubble last longer.

What do you wish you had spent more time on or done differently?  I would do this experiment again in the summer so we could do it outside and get accurate results.  The cold weather outside would effect the bubbles because it is too dry for the bubbles too last longer.  (The outside temperature was -17)

What part of the project did you do your best work on?  I did the best work with recording the times and averaging the numbers.

What was the most enjoyable part?  The most enjoyable part was recording the information and finding the average.  

What was the least enjoyable part?  The least enjoyable part was when we had to blow the bubbles and and they would instantly pop and we'd have to try again. 

Monday, December 5, 2016


Heterogenous mixture-A mixture that you can see all the parts that it is made up of.  An example is soup.
Homogenous mixture- A mixture that is all mixed together and you cannot see what it is made of. An example is a milkshake.
Suspension-  A suspension mixture is when the bigger particles are mixed in with the smaller particles and the bigger particles will either float or settle at the bottom.

We did an experiment where we took a glass of pop and mixed in raisins. The raisins kept on floating up to the top and then coming down to the bottom.  It was because the carbon dioxide was sticking to the raisins which would lift the raisin up and then when the carbon dioxide was released the raisins would sink.  This is an example of Heterogenous suspension mixture.