Plant Name
How is it Administered?
What does it treat?
| Modern day use? | |
Acorus calamus - Sweet Flag
| Orally | High Cholesterol | used in perfumes | |
Arctostaphylos uva- ursi - Bearberry
| Smoked or taken orally | Diarrhea, kidney infection | used in tea | |
Cypripedium reginae - Showy Lady's-slipper
| taken orally with water | sedative for insomnia | still used by aboriginals | |
Gaultheria procumbens - Teaberry
| orally and externally | Headache, upset stomach, arthritis, rheumatism | used in flavouring tea | |
Heuchera richardsonii - Alumroot
| chewed and a tea is made | diarrhea, bleeding, speeds healing | natives still use to stop bleeding | |
Hierochloe odorata
- Sweet Grass | smoked or made into tea | To thin blood, treat colds | used in smudging ceremonies, made into baskets | |
Ledum groenlandicum - Labrador Tea
| internally | stomach and kidneys, coughs, colds and asthma | made in paper products | |
Polygala senega - Seneca Root
| internally | rheumatism, asthma, | put in cough syrup in Europe | |
Sanguinaria canadense - Bloodroot
| still found in some cough syrups in Canada |
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
First Nations.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Experiment Reflections
Self Reflection on Bubble Experiment
Driving Question? Which kind of bubble solution makes the longest lasting bubble?
List the Major Steps in the Project: The major steps were:
1. Gather dish soap, water, glycerin, corn syrup, 3 pipe cleaners and 3 jars.
2. Take first jar and add 1 cup + 1 Tbsp. of water and 1/3 cup of dish soap. Stir together. Label #1.
3. Take second jar and add 1 cup of water, 1/3 cup of dish soap, and 1 Tbsp. of glycerin. Stir together. Label #2.
4. Take third jar and add 1 cup of water, 1/3 cup of dish soap, and 1 Tbsp. of corn syrup. Stir together. Label #3.
5. Twist pipe cleaner into a bubble wand. Dip in solution #1. Make a bubble. Time how long the bubble lasts. Write down on a sheet of paper. Repeat the same procedure 6 times and record data.
6. Repeat #5 with each of the solutions.
7. Find the average of the bubble seconds in each solution by adding the numbers, then dividing by six.
8. Figure out which solution made the longest lasting bubbles. Guess why?
What is the most important thing you learned? I learned that the glycerin solution made the longest lasting bubble. I think the glycerin made the bubble longer lasting because it is thicker than water so it added a thickness that made the bubble last longer.
What do you wish you had spent more time on or done differently? I would do this experiment again in the summer so we could do it outside and get accurate results. The cold weather outside would effect the bubbles because it is too dry for the bubbles too last longer. (The outside temperature was -17)
What part of the project did you do your best work on? I did the best work with recording the times and averaging the numbers.
What was the most enjoyable part? The most enjoyable part was recording the information and finding the average.
What was the least enjoyable part? The least enjoyable part was when we had to blow the bubbles and and they would instantly pop and we'd have to try again.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Heterogenous mixture-A mixture that you can see all the parts that it is made up of. An example is soup.
Homogenous mixture- A mixture that is all mixed together and you cannot see what it is made of. An example is a milkshake.
Suspension- A suspension mixture is when the bigger particles are mixed in with the smaller particles and the bigger particles will either float or settle at the bottom.
We did an experiment where we took a glass of pop and mixed in raisins. The raisins kept on floating up to the top and then coming down to the bottom. It was because the carbon dioxide was sticking to the raisins which would lift the raisin up and then when the carbon dioxide was released the raisins would sink. This is an example of Heterogenous suspension mixture.
Homogenous mixture- A mixture that is all mixed together and you cannot see what it is made of. An example is a milkshake.
Suspension- A suspension mixture is when the bigger particles are mixed in with the smaller particles and the bigger particles will either float or settle at the bottom.
We did an experiment where we took a glass of pop and mixed in raisins. The raisins kept on floating up to the top and then coming down to the bottom. It was because the carbon dioxide was sticking to the raisins which would lift the raisin up and then when the carbon dioxide was released the raisins would sink. This is an example of Heterogenous suspension mixture.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Science Experiment
We did a science experiment that included nail polish remover and styrofoam cups. The result was supposed to be bubbling and disintegrating.
First we tried styrofoam bowls and poured our nail polish remover over them but nothing happened. Our guess was that the bowls were plasticized so the nail polish remover couldn't get inside the bowls.
We tried again with styrofoam cups but it didn't work.
Next we tried packaging styrofoam but that didn't work either.
We took another piece of packaging styrofoam and tried pouring gasoline over it as the science book had said it might have the same reaction. But still nothing happened.
Our guess is that the nail polish remover didn't work is because it wasn't pure acetone. My guess is that we need pure styrofoam with no plastic coating.
I would like to try this experiment again with non plasticized styrofoam and pure acetone. My hypothesis is that the experiment would work better and it would bubble and disintegrate.
I think it would be fun to be a scientist who does experiments like this all the time but I also think it would be annoying because I would have to test the hypothesis, then try it out with different materials until finally getting the experiment right.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Joy in Prison.
I recently visited a website about Christian Martyrs. Click here to go to the website.
One of the stories I want to share is about a woman named Cheng Jie. She was a mother, a former kindergarten teacher, and a pastor's wife. She had expected for her husband to be arrested. Instead of her husband, she was arrested and spent two years in a labor camp. Her sentenced ended in February and she was released. That story made me think about the verse that says, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 because the unexpected happened, but it all worked out. This story made me feel confused because the pastor's wife got arrested not the pastor.
This is a good website for learning about the recent Christian Martyrs.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Composition workshop
On Saturday I went to a composition workshop with the composer Anita Perry. We learned what makes music, and what music is. We also got to compose music for a story. There were six girls in our session. My group did Rapunzel and we had to think of music to go with the story to make the mood. I got to play victorious music and scary music. The best part was learning to set the mood with music and how to make music that goes with people's personalities. I think that this was an interesting workshop about composition.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Yesterday we did a science experiment on atoms. We used skittles for the neutrons and protons and we cut skittles in fourths for the electrons. We learned that to make H2O (aka water) we needed two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. We also learned that different atoms have different amounts of electrons. The most electrons an atom can have in the first layer is 2 and in the next layer 8 and so on. The more the electrons, the more layers it has. Sometimes an atom with more electrons and an atom with less electrons join together so they share the outer layer electrons.
I wonder what would happen if five atoms joined together. I wonder if it is possible and I wonder what kind of material it would make. If I find the answer I will come back and write it.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Chemistry Definitions
Atoms are the smallest things in a particle. Everything that takes up space is made of atoms.
Naturally Occurring Elements
Elements that are naturally occurring and created by God. There are 94 of them.
Synthetic Element
Elements that scientists that created in labs. There are 24 of them.
Compounds are created with two or more elements.
Alchemists were scientists that tried to find ways to make something out of different chemicals. They even tried to make gold out of other chemicals.
Children of War
I recently read a book called Children of War and it was about Iraqi refugees. Here is a chart that shows how the children's lives were different and the same from our lives.
Same Different
- kids go to school
-some children watch tv. -more than 1/2 the country is poor
-have friends -low population because people evacuate
-live in neighbourhoods -many are terrified
-have businesses -have to be careful when going out
-have radios -people are kidnapped and killed
-have electronics -small houses
-eat similar foods
This is an informational book about refugees from other countries. I recommend this book to people who like learning different people's points of views.
Same Different
- kids go to school
-some children watch tv. -more than 1/2 the country is poor
-have friends -low population because people evacuate
-live in neighbourhoods -many are terrified
-have businesses -have to be careful when going out
-have radios -people are kidnapped and killed
-have electronics -small houses
-eat similar foods
This is an informational book about refugees from other countries. I recommend this book to people who like learning different people's points of views.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Child Soldier
I recently read a book called Child Soldier by Jessica Dee Humphreys and Michel Chikwanine. It is about boys and girls who are used as soldiers. There was a young boy named Michel who disobeyed his father and got taken as a soldier and then escaped. He lived in the wilderness for three days and then he finally found his family. A couple of years later he and his family moved to Canada. When he moved to Canada he realized that no one was aware of the problems and wars that are going on in other countries so he began to write speeches and give talks to raise awareness about the wars going on. I recommend this book to anyone who likes an educational, comic style book.
Powell River
This is us at our Gigi's senior home in Vancouver. We stopped there on the way to our house. Our Gigi will be 98 in February.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Aiden and me built an inukshuk at the ferry terminal using pieces of rock and concrete. We used two pieces of concrete for the feet, one for the body, three for the arms, one for the shoulders and one for the neck and head. The Inuit used to build inukshuks as land marks.
This is a video of the orca whales we saw on the ferry to Victoria. We saw two pods and one of the pods had four orcas and the other had three. They were swimming by the ferry and we got to see their whole body because they emerged from the water a lot. It was so cool.
We visited the mueseum. I learned about mammoths. I learned a lot of interesting things like how much their food weighed and what they looked like. We even saw a preserved baby mammoth that had been stuck in a tar pit. We learned about aboriginals and how they lived. We even got to watch a show with a speaker who would tell a story about each mask in a display case.
We went to a corn maze. The corn maze was so big that it had an emergency phone number that you could call if you got lost for four hours. We were only in it for an hour. We went in the kid maze and the larger one.
We went in a corn pit after. It was filled with dried corn and I buried Mikayla in it up to her neck.
Friday, October 7, 2016
October 3-7
Bible: a chapter of Mathew per day. And bible discussions at the table on things like controlling emotions. We shouldn't let emotions rule our life and remember truth instead.
Math: A few lessons and a test. I got 18/20 on my test.
Science: We mashed up leaves and the put them in a jar with rubbing alcohol. We put the jar in warm water for 30min. and then we left the jar overnight with a pencil holding a coffee filter in the jar. The experiment taught us that the colours in leaves are always there, it is just the chlorophyll in the leaves that keep it green.
Piano: For piano the songs I have are Menuet in C, Here I am to Worship and a Spoonful of Sugar. I am working on being able to play Here I Am to Worship perfectly.
Awana: We have an assignment this week and if we finish it, we will get a candy from Pastor Dean.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
The Art of the Possible
I recently read a book called the art of the possible. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys learning about politics. The three most important things in politics are public opinion, convincing people, informing the public and making them interested.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Water Works Field Trip
We visited the Water Works at Scout Island to learn how they purify the water. They have a special system with pipes that they use to pump the water from the ground to the reservoirs and they clean the water from the ground with the choline that they make by using a special salt and water. The coolest thing was when they turned on the machine and he let us watch the machine make chlorine and pump to the reservoir.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Sept. 19-23
Bible: A chapter of Mathew a day and bible discussions at the table. We learn about kindness, serving others and emotions.
Math: Daily lesson. I am doing review.
Science: We learned about solids liquids and gasses. We did an experiment on gas expansion.
Awana: I did 3 section and we played three games
Piano: The songs I am playing this week are Minuet in C, Here I am to Worship, and You Are My Sunshine.
My favourite thing this week was going on a visit to Horsefly and I really liked doing math yesterday.
The past week......
We went on a date with Mommy. We got a frappucino.
Last weekend we watched Infinity, Laney and Aiden for three days and two nights.
This is me and Laney reading before church.
I really enjoy going on our daily walks with the Kaspers.
This is us on our visit to Horsefly.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Sept. 12-16
Bible: A chapter of Mathew per day and bible disscusions at the table, like discussing humility and what things we're supposed to think about. Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.
Math: A lesson a day on things like odd/even, using money for place value, sequences, digits, adding.
Science: We learned about buoyancy, density, mass, and volume. I thought it was really cool when we did the experiment to test density. We learned which liquids were dense. The most dense liquid was honey. The densest object was a penny.
My favourite thing in school this week was doing quizes in language arts and learning to message my friends.
Math: A lesson a day on things like odd/even, using money for place value, sequences, digits, adding.
Science: We learned about buoyancy, density, mass, and volume. I thought it was really cool when we did the experiment to test density. We learned which liquids were dense. The most dense liquid was honey. The densest object was a penny.
My favourite thing in school this week was doing quizes in language arts and learning to message my friends.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Field trip
On Tuesday we went on a field trip to Scout island. We painted stream of dreams fish to hang along the fence to raise awareness about streams. We learned all about salmon and what we can do to protect salmon. We can stop dumping chemicals, toxic paint and medicines down the drain because it hurts salmon as much as it would hurt us if we drank water containing those chemicals.
I also met my online friend Elena and her sisters Bethany and Chloe. My favourite part was painting the stream of dream fish.
I also met my online friend Elena and her sisters Bethany and Chloe. My favourite part was painting the stream of dream fish.
Monday, September 5, 2016
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