Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Story


This story is about a girl named Jessie who wanted to buy a Stallion but there were no Stallions left at the store so she went off on an adventure to find a Stallion of her own.  I hope you enjoy this adventure and notice that there are lots of exciting parts.

Chapter 1

Once upon a time there was a girl named Jessie.  She was an adventurous girl and she loved adventures.  One day her mother said, “Jessie, why don’t you go to the stallion store and see if there are any stallions left to buy.”  So Jessie went down the lane, over the bridge and finally she arrived at the stallion store.  Then she went inside and said, “Are there any stallions left?” The man at the front counter said no.  So then she went home and told her mother, “There are no stallions left.”  Then she had an idea.  She would go out tomorrow and find her own stallion.
She started packing and her mother asked what she was doing and she told her that she was going to find a stallion for herself.

Chapter 2

 Jessie had a great sleep and the next morning she woke up early and ate breakfast and set off.  She rode her bike for miles until she came to a mountain.  She stopped her bike and put it on the side of the road and then she went up the mountain to find a perfect place for her camp.  Finally she found the perfect place for her camp and she set up.  She put up her tent, put her sleeping bag and pillow in the tent and then she put her most favorite teddy bear in there too.  Then she gathered some wood, and rocks and dug a big pit.  She gathered some firewood. 

Chapter 3

Jessie set off up the mountain to find a stallion of her own.  She heard a rustling in the bush and she saw what came out.  It was a badger and three little babies were following it.  She set off again.  She saw a bit of hair from a brown tail and she thought it was a squirrel so she walked past.  It was actually a stallion that was golden and brown and it had a golden line down its’ fur.
That night she ate some soup and she thought about what she had saw and she thought it might be a squirrel but what she really thought it was, was a stallion.

Chapter 4

The next morning she set off again.  When she saw a glimpse of a stallion with a brown tail, she walked closer to it and when she was really close it ran away.  She followed it.  When she saw what the horse was afraid of, it was a rattlesnake slithering down the side of the hill to where the girl was.  She saw a little bit of cloth and she put it onto the horses back and then she got onto the horse and held on to its mane.  She dug her heels into the horse’s sides and the girl set off with the horse.  The rattlesnake tried to catch them but it couldn’t.  She went down the side of the hill and she went back to her camp.  She gave the horse a few carrots that she had packed with her and some sugar cubes.  She started to pack up her tent.  She saw the horse carrying her favorite teddy bear and putting it into her backpack so she let the horse help.

Chapter 5

 When she had finally packed up everything she walked down the hill to where her bike was waiting.  She got a rope out of her basket and said, “This isn’t going to hurt you.  I just want to attach this rope to you so you don’t get lost.  You can ride along beside my bike.”  She picked up her bike and tied the other end of the rope to her handlebars.  She rode back the same miles she had ridden from her home.  When she got home it was midnight. She tied the horse up to the gate and then she went inside to have dinner.  She saw some bread and meat on a plate on her side of the table and she ate it.  She then went to bed.

Chapter 6

 The next morning she started to build a fence for her horse.  When she was finished she put her horse into it.  She got it a trough of water and hay and a barrel of oats. She also had a shovel to scoop the oats into another trough she had set out.  When she was finished she got her mother to see what she had done.  When her mother came out and saw all the stuff she had done, she went inside and got some sugar cubes for the horse and gave it to the horse.  The horse whinnied and rubbed its cheek on the mother’s shoulder.  It was a boy so she named the horse, Goldie and for its nickname she called it Brownie.  They lived happily ever after.
The End

Narrated by Caileigh
Typed by Mommy


  1. Caileigh,

    Bupee and I loved your story. You have a great imagination and are a very good writer. I loved the whole story but my favourite part is when Jessie had brought the stallion down the mountain and decided to tie it to the handlebars of her bike to take him home. I can just picture Jessie (or you)riding your bike and the horse trotting along beside to get home. I also loved the bit about the 'very favourite teddy bear' as well. Jessie was
    very brave to go up a mountain, set up camp all by herself and spend the night. I would have been scared especially when the rattle snake decided to follow Jessie and Goldie. What a great story, Caileigh - I'm sure there will be lots more to come. Maybe you could start a series about the adventures of Goldie and Jesse. Thank you for calling us and reading it to us on the phone - we loved it!

  2. Dear:Jessie;I loved the story.It made me think of Narnia The
    Voyage Of the Dawn Treader. I'll lend it to you when I'm finished reading all the books. My mommy said to read the book before you watch the movie.

    From: Violet

  3. I could see you most favorite things in the story: a horse, your biking and a teddy. I liked how the story told me about its author - YOU. Have fun writing more stories.
