Thursday, March 8, 2012

We went for a drive last night. Here are some pictures we took. We were looking for a sunset. We were looking for the moon too. After we got ice cream.
{narrated to Mommy by Caileigh}


  1. Caileigh, great work! Bupee and I were taking moon pictures tonight too but in Mexico. We will send some to you by email OK. Great Blog

  2. I can't wait to see your sunset painting Caileigh.

    Did you see any Northern Lights when you were out there?
    Wouldn't they be fun to paint!!

  3. I love reading your blog! You take great pictures and it's fun to meet your friends. Good friends, grandmas and moms are all God's special gifts!!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing all your favourite things and favourite people on your blog, Caileigh!! I am so very impressed by your photos and I am very happy to see that you have made some very special friends. Friends are VERY important!! I hope to have a tea party with you someday!!

  5. What beautiful pictures and what fun to be able to go sunset and moon hunting.
