Friday, December 6, 2019

Free Verse Poem On Refugees

  I decided to use this image to represent the stories of the refugees.  The eyes show all the stories and feelings from people’s lives.  The refugees would have seen so many awful things and I wanted to use the eyes to make that connection.  Eyes reveal and show so much about us that we try to hide.  A person can smile but yet their eyes tell a different story, and in the videos that I watched, this was usually the case.  The mouths of the refugees smiled, but their eyes showed pain, worry, horror and tension. I hope I was able to capture the refugees experience well.

Terror, Death, Pain.


War, Broken, Heartache.


Hope, Betrayal, Truth.


Look away.

People Shattered Destroyed.


Stories burned in minds.


Life is all but gone.


Crying screaming.


Look away.



Save us.


Staring walking past.


Hated for our scars.


 Look away.

Our scars are Piercing.


Our stares are holding.


We don’t dare to hope.


Our eyes are only broken.


I cant look away.

A Long Walk To Water Book Review

The book “A Long Walk To Water,” was an interesting story of love and hope. There were many interesting points and facts. I would definitely read this novel again. There were, however, some negative aspects. A big problem is that this novel wasn’t very gripping. The author wrote it in a way that doesn’t draw you in to connect with the characters. Beyond that, this novel was fun and fascinating. 

     The main characters Nya and Salva were fairly well developed and displayed an impressive amount of hope. For example, Slava kept his hope even though he lost people close to him and everything in his life went wrong. The character Nya hoped very strongly that the men would find water even though everyone thought they wouldn’t. Both of these characters trusted when there was no hope and used their hope to inspire others.

     The major world issues this novel portrays are Lost Boys and Dirty Water. Both of these are very huge issues that don’t get enough attention. 11-year-old Nya has to walk all day back and forth to get water. The water she obtains is dirty but she has no choice. Salva is a wanderer (Lost Boy) and even though he becomes part of groups he always ends up alone. Many of the lost boys ended up alone and died. Many people in Nya’s village get sick because of the dirty water but it is all they have.

     The main theme in this novel is war. There were many smaller themes that all tie back to the theme of war. Salva’s life is hard and broken because of the war that has stripped everything away from him. Nya and her tribe always live in fear because of the war. They are all permanently scarred, hurt and broken.

     The novel was an informative playful novel that left me satisfied. The novel had a variety of scenes, some light and happy, and others, sad. The ending was very satisfying and complete.  I learned a lot about the issues talked about. The best part about this novel is the places it will take you. You are left feeling like you are in Sudan living amidst these challenging conditions. I would give this novel 7.5 out of 10 and recommend this book for anyone who wants to have their eyes opened to the problems going on around our world.

Syrian War Crisis

I am sure that at least one point in your life you have heard about the war going on in Syria. The thing is,  what is going on is so much more serious than many people realize.  More than 500,000 people have died since the war began and thousands have lost their homes. When I was about 8 or 9 I did a project on Syria that changed my life forever. I heard of children that are so scarred that they cant talk or think and they just stare straight ahead endlessly. I heard of peoples lives getting ended by being shot for fun, by being bombed. Another merciless thing I heard about is called a barrel bomb. A barrel bomb is a barrel that has different compartments and each has a worse item in it. The enemy puts in dynamite, explosive fuel and sharp shard of meatal. When the bomb is dropped it hits the ground in a massive explosion. The shard of metal fly everywhere and leave lasting scars. Many people say they understand what they go through even though they hate the fact that Syrian refugees keep coming over. It makes no sense to me why people can't open their eyes and see what is going on and act on it. The thing I hate the most though is what sin has turned the world into. We now live in a place where people enjoy killing and lying. A world where people turn their backs away from other human beings. It is not our job as Christians to fix the world but to help God fix the people.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Case For Christ by Lee Strobel

Chapter #1

The first chapter was about Lee's journey to Christ. He starts of talking about how even though his parents were Christians he wasn't. He started learning about evolution and decided that there wasn't a God. Later on he married a woman named Leslie and started working as a newspaper reporter. Eventually his wife came to know Christ. Lee started feeling like he was seeing himself for who he really was and decided to start investigating the bible. He eventually came to Christ and started living his life for God. Lee's story has taught me that God can work in amazing ways no matter the person.

Chapter #2  

This chapter is talking about how we know Jesus was really God. One of the ways Lee said was that somebody wouldn't willingly die for a lie. Another reason is that the romans put a sign on his cross that said King of the Jews. That sign wouldn't have been there if someone didn't believe. What I learned is that no matter how many people argue otherwise Jesus was God.

Chapter #3

This chapter is talking about how many people think that Christianity is a intolerant religion because Jesus said that the only way to Heaven is through him. In reality Christianity is the opposite. Jesus loves everyone no matter what race. or religion. Christianity is one of the only religions that you don't need good works for. What I learned in this chapter is that god loves everyone and he wants everyone to get a chance to know him.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Animal Cell

This is an Animal Cell. I made it out of Jello and different kinds of candy. This was an interesting and fun way to learn the different parts of an animal cell.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Cooking class-dinner

For the past few weeks my mom has been doing a cooking class with me and my friends.  It's been fun learning how to make different foods.  This has made me more confident with cooking.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Courthouse Assessment

Name:         Caileigh                                Grade:    7                 Date of Law Court Tour:April 17

1.      Was this your first time visiting the Law Courts?


2.      Which part of the Law Court Tour did you find the most interesting? (Tour of building, tour of actual court rooms, Sheriff’s Talk, Judge’s Talk, Lawyer’s Talk, court case observed, other).      And tell why it was most interesting.
   I enjoyed watching the court cases the most.  It was interesting to see how people defend themselves and the procedures.

3.      Tell about something you learned from the Sheriff’s talk:
    I learned that it can take quite awhile to become a sheriff and you have to undergo a review session every two years to make sure you remember everything.  It was neat to see the tools that the Sheriff uses and how he uses them.

6.      Choose one trial that you observed today and answer the following:

-          Was it a civil or a criminal trial?

-          Was there some terminology used in the courtroom that you were not familiar with?

-          Describe what the case was about.

I enjoyed watching courtroom #6 which was a civil trial.  I understood most of the case.  The case was about a woman who had been recently accused of shoplifting even though it sounded like she didn't do it.  After she was arrested, she felt like the security guards weren't treating her properly and respecting her rights and verbally abusing her.  Her case wasn't well developed because she didn't even have a lawyer and was representing herself.

Now that you have seen our judicial system in operation, how does this make you think and feel towards any of the following: (safety in our community, trustworthiness of judges, people who are accused of a crime, the work of a sheriff, the work of a lawyer,

the role of addiction in many court cases, or other thoughts or comments you have.)

I now feel that judges are very trustworthy because they don't take someone's side just because they feel sorry for them but they listen carefully to the facts and decide.  
I feel that this was a great opportunity or me to see the law in action and I now feel like I understand the justice system and how it works.

Submit to your support teacher and also CC to

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Eye

I did a project on the eye. 

The Eye
The Eye is the second most powerful organ in your body. Your eye works like a camera and has similar parts. Your eyes automatically adjust based on where you move your head. Your eye doesn’t need rest and can function at any time. Your eyes have been the same size since birth and will always be the same size. Your eye is one of the most incredible parts of the body because of its complexity and tedious details. With all of the little details and how your body parts fit together proves how amazing our Creator is.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Socials-ADST connection #2

Socials-ADST connection

The Meaning of Equality

The Meaning of Equality

What does equality really mean? If there was ever a subject that has confused us humans, this is it. The definition of equality is “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.” Equality though doesn’t just refer to these examples, it also refers to all aspects of life. As humans, we don’t go through a day without treating someone with inequality, whether it’s just teasing someone, or bragging. All those things are a form of inequality. God showed us the greatest act of equality and love ever. He died so that we can all be equal under Him. None of us can achieve equality without God.

Equality means that no matter how different you are you will always have a place in the world. Ephesians 2:14 “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one, and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.” This verse is talking about the segregation of the Jews and the Gentiles. God broke down the wall that divided them, so that they could all have a chance to follow Jesus. Many people who feel they don’t have a place in the world have been exposed to discrimination and inequality.  This include the homeless, or people of different races.  Helping people to understand that they are equal and as powerful as those around them, inspires them to do great things.

Equality means that God loves us all the same. Deuteronomy 10:17 “For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes.” God makes everyone with unique gifts and talents so that they can use them to benefit others.  In this way, everyone gets a chance to make a difference. God created everyone different and unique and if he wanted to show favoritism, he would probably have made only one person different.  Our gifts don’t make us better than others, just different.  Doctors and police officers both use their giftings to help others and they are both important.

Equality means that even though our sinful nature tells us we’re better than others, we have to ignore that and do what God wants.  Sin has influenced people that have introduced segregation, stereotypes and inequality.

Sin gives us the idea that its all right to be unfair and discriminate against people.  This is not God’s way or what he intended for us.  We need to be his examples.  Many people have been brought to Christ by being treated with equality and fairness, and seeing God’s love through that.  This is our greatest mission as God’s children.

Equality can mean many different things but knowing how to apply it is one of the many trials we have to face as humans.  Equality is God’s way of saying that we are all loved the same.  Treating people with equality is our mission from God. He gave us this task so we have something to strive for when we show others His love.  Equality is loving, even through hard times.  Equality is peace among people.  Treating people with equality isn’t always easy, but it’s the glue that holds every single one of us together.

1 John 2:2  “He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. “

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Spanish Art-Interpretation

This report has been prepared by: Caileigh Watson

Hi everyone and welcome back to FPWC (Famous Painters With Caileigh) Today we are going to be learning about George Littlechild’s painting “Red Horse Boarding School” and Frida Kahlo’s “The Wounded Deer.”

George Littlechild was born in 1958 in Edmonton and was taken from his family at birth. He was sent to 5 different foster homes by the time he was 4.

Frida Kahlo was born Jul 6, 1907. When she was a child, she caught polio and from then on, she had a limp. In 1925 she was in a bus accident and spent the rest of her life suffering from it.

The important details of these paintings lie within the artist’s story. In the Red Horse Boarding School one of the hidden details lie in the stars. In the schools George was forced to go to if you did a good job you got a gold star if you did a bad job you got a red star.

In The Wounded Deer Frida symbolized herself as a stag with arrow sticking out all over her. The arrows symbolize her pain and disappointment over her failed back surgery that she hoped would be successful.

In “Red Horse Boarding School” the two symbols that are important are the stars and     the horse cut in half.  The horse symbolizes how the First Nations people had their history torn away from them.  The stars represented the stars that they got as a grading method.

In “The Wounded Deer” the two important symbols are the broken branches and the arrows.  The branches represented pain and depression and the arrows represented her feelings towards her failed back surgery.

A similarity between these two paintings is the pain and suffering that they both portray that the artist went through.  This shows how many paintings are inspired through pain and suffering.

From these art pieces we can learn pieces of these artists that can only be expressed through paintings. We can learn their secrets that were too painful to share and we can make connections that were never there before.