Friday, September 29, 2017


Every Tuesday, I go to Community Class and Musical Theatre.  In community class I have two separate classes.  My classes are art and science.  In art we have just started so I am not sure which topics we'll be doing but we've a sketch book and every week we need to add a sketch to it.  In science, we are studying human body systems.  In science I have a notebook that I make a note booking page in each week.
After community class, Mikayla and me go to Muscial Theatre.  In musical theatre we are doing a play called Christmas in Egypt.  Some of the songs in the play are, Spend Christmas in Egypt, Yes, and Jesus's birthday.
After that I go to Junior Youth.  At junior youth we are studying 1 John.  We also play games and get taught a lesson.
I hope that every Tuesday is as fun as last week.

Ancient Egypt

Image result for great pyramid

In Social Studies I have been working on creating a diary of an Egyptian girl that takes place around the reign of Pharaoh Cheops.  Everything that I am learning, I am figuring out a way to put it into my diary.  Here's an example.......

Dear Diary, Today my mother took me to see the pyramids.  The pyramids were incredible.  I couldn't take my eyes off.  I also went to see the pyramid construction.  The bricks are going to be granite.  I hope they finish in time.  Right now there is a slave shortage so hopefully we will get some more soon.  Granite is the heaviest pyramid material there is.  The pyramid is going to be for Pharaoh Cheops.

Residential Schools

This week in Language Arts we've been learning about residential schools.  I also heard the story of Shirley Stirling.  Shirley Stirling was only a young girl when she was taken to the residential school.  It was a hard experience for her because she was taken away from her family and her belongings were taken away.  In residential schools, the children didn't really learn anything and they were just used for manual labour.  Many of the children in the residential schools died of tuberculosis.  Residential schools started when europeans thought that indians were unclean and filthy so they decided to kill all the tribes to get rid of them.  One man stepped up and said that instead of killing them, they should create schools where they can learn to be civilized.  This week I have learned that residential schools were a cruel and unnecessary.

Image result for residential schools