Every Tuesday, I go to Community Class and Musical Theatre. In community class I have two separate classes. My classes are art and science. In art we have just started so I am not sure which topics we'll be doing but we've a sketch book and every week we need to add a sketch to it. In science, we are studying human body systems. In science I have a notebook that I make a note booking page in each week.
After community class, Mikayla and me go to Muscial Theatre. In musical theatre we are doing a play called Christmas in Egypt. Some of the songs in the play are, Spend Christmas in Egypt, Yes, and Jesus's birthday.
After that I go to Junior Youth. At junior youth we are studying 1 John. We also play games and get taught a lesson.
I hope that every Tuesday is as fun as last week.
After community class, Mikayla and me go to Muscial Theatre. In musical theatre we are doing a play called Christmas in Egypt. Some of the songs in the play are, Spend Christmas in Egypt, Yes, and Jesus's birthday.
After that I go to Junior Youth. At junior youth we are studying 1 John. We also play games and get taught a lesson.
I hope that every Tuesday is as fun as last week.